1 min readJan 4, 2023


Clearing is the process of removing sensitive data from storage devices in a secure and systematic manner, in order to ensure that the data cannot be reconstructed using normal system functions or software recovery utilities. Clearing is often used to securely delete data that is no longer needed or that needs to be removed for security reasons.

There are several different methods that can be used to clear data from storage devices, including:

  1. Overwriting: This involves writing new data over the top of the existing data, effectively erasing it. This can be done using specialized software tools that write multiple passes of data over the existing data, making it much more difficult to recover.
  2. Degaussing: This involves using a strong magnetic field to erase data from a storage device. Degaussing is typically used for magnetic storage media, such as hard drives and tapes.
  3. Physical destruction: This involves physically destroying the storage device, making it impossible to recover the data from it. This can be done by shredding, crushing, or melting the device.

Overall, clearing is an important process that is used to securely delete sensitive data from storage devices, ensuring that the data cannot be reconstructed using normal system functions or software recovery utilities. #Glossary #Clearing, #Degaussing, #Overwriting, #PhysicalDestruction